
Mint The process of creating content on a blockchain. It typically involves generating and recording new items on the blockchain.
Dmint "Decentralized Mint", indicating a decentralized minting operation.
Container A collection or a set of items.
Bitwork The difficulty of minting. The rules for bitwork can be found in the official documentation.
Timestamp A continuous 10 or 13-digit number used to represent time.


This tutorial is designed to help project owners quickly understand how to onboard their DMint NFT collection onto the Atomicals protocol. In the Atomicals protocol, NFT collections are referred to as 'containers', which is roughly equivalent to 'NFT collection.'

The process can be broadly divided into four main blocks:

  1. Prepare all data for the collection.
  2. Configure the container.
  3. Validate the NFT item.
  4. Mint the NFT item.

As a project owner, your focus should be on steps 1, 2, and 3.

<aside> 💰 Before each step, there is a ⛓️ icon indicating that the operation is on-chain, requiring gas consumption.


Prepare Collection Data

  1. Gather data for all NFTs (A1, A2......AN).
  2. Prepare the dmint data for the collection (B).
  3. Collect other metadata for the collection (C).
  4. Use the command-line tool to locally create a new wallet for isolating all container operations and avoiding confusion.

Configure Container

  1. ⛓️ Mint the container.
  2. ⛓️ Use the collection data (B) to configure dmint.